full transcript

From the Ted Talk by Margaret Levi: How labor unions shape society

Unscramble the Blue Letters

My research has shown me that with every transformation in the economy, the technology, the way we work, there has been an evolution in the labor memnevot. Craft unions, think construction work or even beer making, emerged from medieval guilds. With the rise of industry -- auto, steel -- new forms of oiazagiontrn emerged. When white collar wrroeks in oeciffs, in geenmovrnt, in health care in professions, won vcoie and roipaetseretnn, yet another kind of union developed. In my mind, in my ears, is Dolly Parton singing "9 to 5", iinsperd by a real-life union of that name. When you hear that song, thank the unions for a decent working day.

Open Cloze

My research has shown me that with every transformation in the economy, the technology, the way we work, there has been an evolution in the labor ________. Craft unions, think construction work or even beer making, emerged from medieval guilds. With the rise of industry -- auto, steel -- new forms of ____________ emerged. When white collar _______ in _______, in __________, in health care in professions, won _____ and ______________, yet another kind of union developed. In my mind, in my ears, is Dolly Parton singing "9 to 5", ________ by a real-life union of that name. When you hear that song, thank the unions for a decent working day.


  1. government
  2. organization
  3. movement
  4. voice
  5. workers
  6. representation
  7. offices
  8. inspired

Original Text

My research has shown me that with every transformation in the economy, the technology, the way we work, there has been an evolution in the labor movement. Craft unions, think construction work or even beer making, emerged from medieval guilds. With the rise of industry -- auto, steel -- new forms of organization emerged. When white collar workers in offices, in government, in health care in professions, won voice and representation, yet another kind of union developed. In my mind, in my ears, is Dolly Parton singing "9 to 5", inspired by a real-life union of that name. When you hear that song, thank the unions for a decent working day.

Frequently Occurring Word Combinations

ngrams of length 2

collocation frequency
middle class 4
labor unions 3
health insurance 2
american dream 2
labor movement 2
working conditions 2
build worker 2

Important Words

  1. auto
  2. beer
  3. care
  4. collar
  5. construction
  6. craft
  7. day
  8. decent
  9. developed
  10. dolly
  11. ears
  12. economy
  13. emerged
  14. evolution
  15. forms
  16. government
  17. guilds
  18. health
  19. hear
  20. industry
  21. inspired
  22. kind
  23. labor
  24. making
  25. medieval
  26. mind
  27. movement
  28. offices
  29. organization
  30. parton
  31. professions
  32. representation
  33. research
  34. rise
  35. shown
  36. singing
  37. song
  38. steel
  39. technology
  40. transformation
  41. union
  42. unions
  43. voice
  44. white
  45. won
  46. work
  47. workers
  48. working